The Future of the Future


樣品屋設計,首要任務就是讓賞屋者能實際體驗並想像生活其中的所有可能性。這個21.5 坪,制式三房的樣品空間,在不對原始格局做太多大變動的前提要求下,透過設計微調,打開原有封閉廚房,除了將用餐區形成生活焦點,更製造了家人間更多對話的機會。尺度拿捏上,游刃有餘地擺進210 公分餐桌與280 公分沙發。視覺表現則以客層設定的年輕都會家庭為主調發展,整體清新略帶文藝感,色彩也從公領域的中性色調、主臥以女主人為主的粉系主牆、甚至是門框上的著色,去豐富層次。另將主臥的洗手平台從衛浴中釋出,不僅是因應建商銷售族群喜好旅行、享受旅店式規劃的特性,同時也創造了理想的動線與收納。有效並放大每一個坪效的使用,帶來更多的美好生活畫面,樣品,不只是樣品,也能是真實。


The purpose of a model home is to realistically and accurately portray the life experience with it and further project its potential through design. For a 71 m², standard 3-bedroom model home, the key is to do design tweaks instead of drastic overhaul to its floor plan. So now the kitchen entrance is modified and the dinning area is no longer isolated away from the rest of the house. This is a move that promotes a sense of unity and cohesion within the family. Visually, a lot of focuses are placed on the need and style of a young, urban family. The challenge starts with fitting a 2.1 m dinning table and a 2.8 m couch into the space, while not compromising the feel of space. It is paramount to maintain a clean look overall while adding artsy touches in the right places. Public areas are done in neutral color, pastel color finds its way to the master’s bedroom. Attention of detail is key, so layers of colors make it to the door frame. The sink area is now tucked away from the bathroom, a move that dramatically improves the traffic flow and storage arrangement. A house that is spacious, comfortable and versatile is something that the travel-loving potential buyers, or any person, should be rather fond of. The main goal is to get the most out of each and every bit of space available. A model home can now be the closest proximation to the real thing, where your vision of living in it does match up to reality.



2019 台灣 TINTA 金邸獎 / 樣板房空間 優秀獎



面積|21.5 坪(71 m²)   房屋狀況|樣品屋     格局|3 房 2 廳 2 衛    主要建材|烤漆、木皮、鐵件、磚