Small is Big
Urban living spaces seemly shrink by the day, so our idea of home now plays a bigger role than ever when it comes to nagging spatial challenges. A bright, elongated 26m² room that serves as an open public area while also capable of accommodating the owner’s recreational needs. Other unique house elements include a custom-made, mobile electric stairs, hidden drawers and a food bath pool tucked away inside the living room. Packing so many features into a small house is always a challenge. Here we aim to maximize all available space and really focus on function as a cutting-edge take of contemporary living arrangements.
2016 Good Design Award 優良設計獎入圍
Photography|Hey! Cheese
面積|8.5坪(28 m²) 居住成員|3 房屋狀況|7 年中古屋 格局|2 房 1 廳 1 衛 主要建材|磁磚、木皮、烤漆玻璃、木地板、強化玻璃