Purely Minimal



Taking a turn and you will discover so much more! Breaking up the once long and narrow floor plan in order to create better traffic flow and proper space management. The living room and the patio are now done in a way to better promote coziness as well. And a full kitchen is now possible too. A curved ceiling structure is now in place to free up additional room for particularly storage purpose and in terms enhance spacial flexibility at the same time. To make the most of the 30 m² for the owner of two sisters while maintain a sense of individuality and privacy both in function and design, some structural maneuver are in place. Kitchen island can double as a standing work table with an desk stationed by the living room, and a multipurpose partition is built as part of the bedroom. These are just some of the design decisions that really maximize every bit of the space available. Staying consistent with the clean, minimal outlook, Pandomo paint finds its way to the wall and the floor. This is a small home located in the heart of the city, a stripped down design is the chilled yet stylistic resolution to the otherwise crowed and noisy world outside.



2019 台灣 TID Award 台灣室內設計大獎 / 居住空間類 TID 獎

2019 英國 Dezeen Awards / Longlist

2019 台灣 金點設計獎 / 金點標章&決審入圍

2019 台灣 TINTA 金邸獎 / 居住空間小戶型 優選獎



面積|9 坪(30 m²)     居住成員|2     房屋狀況|新成屋     格局|1 房 2 廳 1 衛     主要建材|磐多魔、木皮、玻璃、軟木、塑木