Project No. 205
靠近藝術的另一種方式 A New Way to Experience Art
這是一個實踐夢想的家!從購買第一張設計師經典單椅(蛋椅 Egg Chair)開始,展開了屋主對家具的收集之路;因為對藝術家的喜愛,促使更貼近藝術家色彩與風格的空間。馥閣團隊大膽嘗試轉譯經典,跳脫傳統居所的想像,將屋主自身的藝術品味與空間結合。例如天花板的設計,就是源自 Paul Smith 的啟發,而具難度的彩繪工程,則請來了有著豐富壁畫經驗的法國藝術家 François Fléché 執行完成。這個家,繽紛有趣、處處是驚喜,透過回字型的動線,串連整個居家空間,連結家的情感,更碰觸並交融了屋主的內心。不單為生活帶來更豐富多樣的想像,也讓主人在自我的宇宙裡緩緩航行,一點一滴地綻放潛藏的童心。
Everything started at the moment when the owner made his very first purchase of classic designer chair, a Egg Chair that inevitably jump starts his furniture collection as well as a deep fascination of prominent modern artists. We at FU-GE attempt to translate that very taste and desire and weave them into the design of this property. The interior’s rectangular circulation is set up to literally bridge different portions of the house and seamlessly present the transition of style and artistic influence. We use a wide palette of colors while finding a neat visual balance to properly present the owner’s vision. For instance, the striped design on the ceiling is an obvious homage to Paul Smith, completed by the hands of artist François Fléché. The house is colorful and exuberant, and it is peppered with modern art inspired design cues. We also break away from traditional interior design and incorporate signature elements from some of the most prominent modern artists.
2018 德國 Red Dot Design Award 紅點設計大獎 / 紅點獎
2018 德國 iF Design Award / iF 設計獎
2018 台灣 Dulux 得利大中華區空間色彩獎 / 色彩趨勢應用大獎
2018 中國 築巢獎 / 專業類 金獎
2017 台灣 TID Award 台灣室內設計大獎 / 居住空間類單層 入圍
2017 台灣 Asia Design Award 亞洲設計獎 / 前衛組 銀獎
面積|51.5 坪(170 m²) 居住成員|2 房屋狀況|新成屋 格局|1 房 2 廳 2 衛 3 多功能室 主要建材|木皮、鐵件、磁磚、烤漆、壁紙、玻璃