All is Full of Love
The owner purchased this brand new house with vision of a good family life. A life where, crosses the entrance upon returning home post-work with plenty of love abound. This petit 49.5 square meters of space meets the domestic needs of wife and kids while not being any less comfortable for its size. This is a home where children can be right around when he makes breakfast, or his wife can man the garden while he breaks out some sweat inside. This is a space where interaction can take place between his family members. At this compact, elongated home, gradient colored wall provides the feel of comfort and elevates a sense of space. A good life now goes beyond the fantasy world and into the realm of reality.
2019 義大利 A’ Design Award / SILVER 銀獎
2019 英國 Dezeen Awards / Longlist 入圍
2019 台灣 TINTA 金邸獎 / 居住空間小戶型 優秀獎
面積|15 坪(49.5 m²) 居住成員|3 房屋狀況|新成屋 格局|2 房 1 廳 2衛 主要建材|木皮、磚、塗料、鐵件、玻璃 噴漆藝術|丁秋月 情境模特|Nana、Elmo、Nini