A New Hope: Feet on the Ground, Head among the Stars
多華麗的工作會讓你需要一個什麼都看不見的家?身為一個長時間與3D特效為伍的影像創作者,屋主很明確地向設計團隊表達,他的家要簡單、乾淨,生活機能需要滿足,但不使用時,都要能夠藏起來。Here’s where the fun begins!整體設計從「太空」為概念出發,客餐廳等公領域集中在彷彿銀河系的中心,其餘空間則在星球運行的軌跡上環繞排列。這種平面配置方式,讓每一個空間都達到了最大化的利用。材質與色彩計畫相對單純,但在不複雜的配置中,仍試圖創造出視覺層次。擁有自然肌理的鋸紋白栓木皮、MORTEX礦物塗料,則為冷調的空間帶進適量的人性溫度。
What is the ideal home for a video content creator? A day job messing with the razzle dazzle of 3D animation definitively should call for a home of minimal, even stealthy arrangement for the sake of good balance. The owner wants to go with something clean-cut and versatile, with those functional features designed to be tucked away when not in use. This space-inspired project sees the design team sets the public area in the middle, as if being the center of the galaxy while other parts of the house “orbits” around. This uncomplicated structural decision goes for maximal amount of space without sacrificing the possibility of layering. Color and material choices are kept simple without visual compromises. The utilizing of MORTEX and rough cut white ash veneer introduced a nature and warmer vibe into the otherwise minimalistic interior. The owner strives to create visuals that connect with people, so it only makes sense that his house is designed with a similar passion and love for form, function, and most importantly, family. This is the house that embodies the new hope and dreams of a family, a home base that allows them to set foot on a new life together, and look forward into the great beyond of time.
面積|30.5 坪(101 m²) 房屋狀況|新成屋 格局|3 房 2 廳 2 衛 主要建材|木皮、玻璃、鐵件、礦物塗料(MORTEX)、系統櫃,乳膠漆、水性磁漆